Movement Is Everything ®
Movement is Everything
The Gentle Jogger® is a giant leap forward for those who can’t make or take the steps to exercise on their own. Whether it’s due to age, a debilitating injury, daily physical challenges, or just simply not enough time in today’s busy world, many of us don’t get the necessary exercise our bodies desperately need for optimal health.

Promotes Physical Activity
The Gentle Jogger® is designed to help you move, regardless of your physical condition. Whether it’s due to age, a debilitating injury, daily physical challenges or just simply not enough time in today’s busy world, the Gentle Jogger® is fully motorized and designed for usage by anyone, anywhere at anytime.

Improved Mobility
Our bodies are designed to move. When we sit still for longer periods of time, our muscles stiffen and our system slows down. Simply use the Gentle Jogger® for two-30 minute sessions per day and feel the benefits of loosening muscles, lubricating joints and increased blood flow for better health.

Increase Energy
Contrary to popular belief, exercising doesn’t make you tired — it actually creates energy in your body. Your body rises up to meet the challenge for more energy by becoming stronger. As little as 30 minutes a day on the Gentle Jogger® seated in front of the tv promotes your body’s natural energy production.

Diabetic Management
Increased physical activity is the cornerstone of diabetic management. If you have Type 2 Diabetes you have too much glucose in your blood, either because your body doesn’t produce enough insulin to process it, or because it doesn’t use insulin properly. In either case, exercise on the Gentle Jogger® reduces glucose in your blood.